The Search Results page
Immediately after you hit the Gold button to search for suppliers, you will be taken to the Search Results page where you will be presented with a list of suppliers who should be able to provide the gear you’re looking for.
On the right side of the page is the “My items” basket. This can be opened or closed by clicking on the tab.
To request a quote for an item from a particular supplier, tick the “Select” box next to the item listed under the name of that supplier. The supplier will be added to your “My items” basket.
You may request quotes for the same item from as many suppliers as you wish.
Quantities of items requested from each supplier may be adjusted however you wish.
The “My items” basket keeps track of whether you have selected the total quantity you require of a particular item, or if you still need to make further selections.
If you had searched for an item but no suppliers were returned, Gear Finder will suggest up to 15 alternative suppliers who, based on their equipment stock, may be able to help you.
Gear Finder suggestions may be removed by hitting the “Delete” icon, but in order to maximise the chances of finding what you need, we suggest you send requests to all the suggested suppliers.
Offers, messages or documents may be sent to individual suppliers by clicking on the message icon next to their name. Messages or documents may be sent to all suppliers using the global Messaging section at the bottom of the “My items” basket.
When you are happy with your selections and have included your messages and documents, hit the “Send all requests” button.
Your requests will be sent and the job will be added to your Jobs List.