Create Request List
Type the name, or part of the name, of the item you’re looking for in the Search bar and select it from the drop-down list.
Enter the quantity you need in the Qty field.
(There is) No limit to the size of your request list.
Dates and delivery address
Enter the date you need to receive the equipment and the date you will ship it back.
Note that when searching equipment availability, 2 days are added before and after your selected dates to allow for packing and transport.
Your default delivery address is entered for you automatically but can be overwritten if necessary.
Choose from 3 Powerful Search Modes
It couldn’t be easier!
Hit the Black button and we’ll send your requests to the most relevant suppliers for you – automatically!
All you have to do is wait for the quotes to come in.
Choose the Gold button if you would prefer to select suppliers yourself
The Red button is for those last-minute emergencies when you need something NOW!
Your urgent request will be sent automatically by SMS and email to the suppliers most likely to be able to help you, and set with a 12 hour time limit.
Search Priorities
No matter which search mode you choose, you will always receive your selected number of search results, prioritised in the following order:
Preferred users
Equipment confirmed available on your selected dates – (Current RMS suppliers)
Equipment allocated – Requested items have been added to supplier’s Second Warehouse inventory but availability is not confirmed.
Gear Finder results – Suppliers stock similar items or brands but ability to supply your requested items is unknown.
Preferred users
Cross-rent with 2 of your regular rental partners as often as you like, completely free of charge.
*Transactions between Preferred users are not eligible for CashBack
Leave it to Gear Finder
If you’re searching for an item which few (or no) suppliers have added to their Second Warehouse inventory, we’ll supplement your search results with “Gear Finder suppliers”. Our Gear Finder algorithm searches for companies who stock items or brands similar to those you are looking for.

Save yourself the hassle of asking around, Gear Finder could find exactly what you’re looking for!
Using the Black or Red buttons

Each supplier is represented by their own “card”, making it easy to see the latest negotiation status with each supplier.
Click on a card at any time to message with the supplier, send documents or pictures, or to update a negotiation.
Using the Gold button

The search results page
At the top of the results page you find the “My Items” basket with the items you searched for.
(And underneath that you will find a list of potential suppliers.)
Suppliers are returned in list below.
The “My items” basket

The “My items” basket gives you a complete and dynamic overview of your currently selected items and suppliers.
Clicking on an item name will change your displayed search results to show only the suppliers able to supply that item.
Displayed pricing

Renters and suppliers are free to negotiate prices as much as they wish.
Selecting suppliers

You’re free to send item requests to as many suppliers as you like.
Just tick the Select boxes.
When you’re happy with your selections, press the “Next step” button to proceed to the Summary page.

Summary of selected suppliers

Clicking on a card allows you to send offers, messages or documents to that individual supplier.
After your requests have been sent, the cards will display the latest negotiation status with each supplier.
Summary page Global section
The Global section at the top of the Summary page allows you to send additional information, messages or documents globally to all suppliers. Global messages will be sent together with any individual messages or offers.
When you’re happy with your requests, hit the “Send all requests” button to send your requests to all suppliers.

Receiving notifications

Make sure Second Warehouse is “whitelisted” in your email program to ensure that rental opportunities don’t end up in spam folders.
Latest negotiation updates

Latest updates are highlighted on negotiation screens. (But they aren’t in this picture?)

Handshake and Confirmation

When you’re happy with the latest offer or quote, press the Handshake button.
When both parties have Handshaked, the button changes to show that the rental is confirmed.
“Finish this rental” button
When you have found all the gear you’re looking for and have confirmed your deals, remember to hit the “Finish this rental” button.
Notifications will then be sent to all the other suppliers, informing them that your requests have now been filled and the negotiations are closed.

PDF confirmation

Star rating

Note that comments are for your own records only and will not be made public.

CashBack starts at 2% of the rental price and increases depending on the number of rentals carried out or the amount of equipment made available for rent.
CashBack totals accumulate and are paid out twice a year.
Status levels and commission rates

Basic users: 8%
Established users: 6%
Premium users: 3%
Pairing items

Pairing items is a quick and easy process, made even easier by the auto-suggestion engine.
Items can be paired at any time.